Ted E. Mumaw
TED E. MUMAW brings more than 30 years of experience as a seasoned legal assistant and investigator. His experience in dealing with the commonwealth has proven to be invaluable to many of our criminal clients. During his previous career, Ted observed countless hours of courtroom testimony and worked with presentence and sentencing guideline preparation. Ted attended specialized training in polygraph testing, Virginia criminal law, courtroom procedures, drug testing, substance abuse counseling, sex offender counseling and state registry laws. After graduating from Roanoke College in 1980 with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and sociology, Ted had a 30-year career with the commonwealth of Virginia that included supervising high-risk drug offenders and becoming a specialist in sex offender cases. In 1999, Ted was promoted to senior probation and parole officer and managed an office in Harrisonburg that provided intensive supervision for the circuit courts of the 26th Judicial Circuit. He retired from that career in July 2011. Ted now uses all his expertise as a legal assistant/investigator in his position with Big Valley Law.
If you need legal assistance, call our Harrisonburg, VA, office at 540-904-0243, our office in Woodstock, VA, at 540-904-0243, our send an online message using our Contact page.