Big Valley Law Is Here For You

Defending Your Legal Rights When Charged With Drug Trafficking And Distribution

Big Valley Law is strong in defense against drug crimes such as trafficking and distribution. We are skilled trial attorneys who will defend your constitutional rights and seek to obtain a dismissal, acquittal, reduction in charges, deferred disposition or probation.

We Use Our Vast Insight To Combat Complex Charges

We have the background, connections and knowledge. Our lawyers know how to uncover weaknesses in the prosecution’s case because they have unique perspectives, insights and courtroom connections as former prosecutors in Virginia. We have substantial experience defending drug crimes.

Our staff investigator has been invaluable to our clients who are facing drug charges because he has an extensive background as a veteran of the commonwealth supervising high-risk drug offenders. With his training in courtroom procedures, drug testing and substance abuse, he provides invaluable counsel to our clients.

Equipped To Take On A Variety Of Cases

If you’ve been charged with drug trafficking, don’t become a victim.
Get legal help from a lawyer who has helped defend against drug trafficking charges.

More than $500 billion. That’s the dollar value of criminal proceeds every year. That’s more than the gross national product of most nations. There is no doubt that drug trafficking is a big business. But are the laws getting the big-business drug dealers or hurting those who are less able to defend themselves in the legal system? If you’ve been charged with drug trafficking and distribution, don’t be a victim of the system.

A growing number of groups and individuals, including the American Bar Association and welfare rights organizations, claim that the legal system has become double jeopardy for drug offenders who are trying to become productive members of society and that minorities and single women are charged and punished disproportionately.

Drug trafficking can lead to federal charges if the trafficking went across state lines or if prescription drugs or narcotics were involved. We have experience defending drug charges involving marijuana, methamphetamine (crystal meth), heroin, ecstasy, cocaine and OxyContin.

Today Is The Day To Take Action. Connect With Us Today.

Big Valley Law knows how to handle state and federal charges involving illegal drugs. We built a strong reputation on criminal defense. Contact us through our website or call 540-904-0243.