Supportive Virginia Sex Crimes Lawyers
Few things are more frightening than getting charged with a sex crime. If you get convicted, not only could you suffer legal consequences, but personal fallout, too. Even if your name is cleared, sex crimes allegations have the potential to damage your reputation.
Big Valley Law understands how hard it is to cope with sex crimes charges and will stand by you throughout your case. Reach out to us today if you are dealing with any of the following issues.
Sexual Assault/Rape
The concept of “innocent until proven guilty” is a cornerstone of the American justice system. Yet, if you’ve been charged with rape, the stigma that sexual crimes carry can put your innocence in question, raise questions about your character and do irreparable harm to your reputation whether or not it is deserved.
We understand. The modern dating scene can be both exciting and dangerous. Things don’t always end well. Alcohol can fuel the fire and lead to false charges against an innocent person. Parents of an underage child may file statutory rape charges even though the sex was consensual, or even if both parties said they were in love. Law enforcement officials may only have the accuser’s word to go on. And worse, if the accused refuses to cooperate in giving DNA samples because he or she thinks the charges are bogus, that refusal can just add to the appearance of guilt.
You will be in a situation that delves into details of your personal life and your relationship history. Your character and your habits will come under attack. You need to know how to protect your rights while defending your innocence. The key is to get cleared of all charges and keep your identity out of the national sexual offender database.
When the stakes are this high, we can help. We have built a strong reputation for criminal defense representation, and we will fight with all we have to safeguard your rights and reputation.
Internet Sex Crimes
Your life can become a nightmare if you’ve been charged with internet sex crimes. These offenses range in severity, yet all are harshly penalized under Virginia law.
Some examples of internet sex crimes are:
- Distributing, possessing and producing child pornography
- Sexting
- Sexual solicitation
- Stalking
If you have been accused of any of these offenses, you need a proven legal team on your side to help you establish the most favorable defense. We are ready to build one on your behalf.
Sex Offender Registration
More than 840,000 people are registered sex offenders, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Nowadays, many of those names are disappearing from the registry due to legislative changes and scrutiny by civil rights activists.
The registry allows government authorities to keep track of the residences and activities of sex offenders, including those who have completed their sentences. The intent of the sex offender registry, to protect children and to prevent sexual assault, is noble and necessary.
But not everyone listed as a sex offender is a convicted rapist. Sex offenders may also include those who exposed themselves near a playground, urinated in public, or slapped a person on the behind and thus committed sexual battery.
Like any system designed to protect us, the sex offender registry is not without flaws and it recently came under scrutiny of civil rights advocates. In some situations, sex offenders may be on the list longer than needed because the laws changed or the definition of “sex offense” itself may have changed.
Because of the impact on your life of being a registered sex offender, you owe it to yourself to see an attorney. Our attorneys can help you ensure that your civil rights aren’t being violated and that you aren’t being unfairly penalized.
Big Valley Law Can Protect Your Rights
You cannot delay seeking legal help if you have been charged with sex crimes in Virginia. Let us be your first and last lines of defense. Call 540-904-0243 or message us online to set up a consultation.