Refusing The Breath Test
Refuse The Breath Test? Take A Deep Breath And Call Big Valley Law.
Should you take the Breathalyzer test if you know you had too much to drink?
It’s a question we hear all the time. Refusing to blow doesn’t save you from being convicted, and your license will be automatically suspended for one year. The penalties for refusal to comply are even more severe if you have a prior conviction, which can add jail time and fines. Virginia’s Implied Consent Law means that if the police have a reasonable suspicion, you must submit to a breath or blood test.
If you refused the breath test and are now fighting drunk driving charges, you are going to need an experienced, aggressive lawyer on your side. The criminal defense team of Big Valley Law in Harrisonburg can help when you are considering whether you should plead guilty or fight the charges.
We will examine the circumstances of your arrest, the validity of the tests and the dash cam evidence, and we will conduct a full investigation of the facts. We will then sit down with you to give our honest assessment regarding going to trial or negotiating with the prosecutor.
If you are facing charges of DUI/DWI and you refused the Breathalyzer, you probably have lots of questions. Big Valley Law can help.