Whether you need a DUI lawyer or a criminal defense attorney, your first instinct might be to go to a large, established law firm. While that’s not a terrible first instinct, it might also not benefit you in the same way smaller law firms could. No matter your legal situation, here are a few reasons you should consider looking into small law firms.
Closer Relationships
At a smaller law firm, relationships between clients and attorneys are typically closer and more personal. If you’re someone who likes to build a relationship up before fully trusting the other person with your personal life, this could be a better option for you than seeking out a large law firm. Ultimately, this means a lawyer will be able to spend more time looking into the details of your case and that a single lawyer will be responsible for handling your information.
Better Communication
Odds are lawyers working at a large firm will have a staff helping them with numerous cases at once. While a lawyer at a smaller firm may take on multiple cases, it won’t be nearly as many as a large firm would tackle at the same time. As a result, your lawyer will be better able to communicate directly with you, and on a more frequent basis. Direct phone and email access are going to be extremely important, especially if you’re one of the average drunk drivers who got behind the wheel almost 80 times before a first arrest.
More Flexibility
As previously mentioned, smaller firms tend to take on a lower number of cases. Not only does that mean better communication, it means more flexibility in how and when communication occurs. And when smaller firms have this kind of flexibility, it allows the lawyers to tailor each case to a specific client’s needs. Providing this kind of service ultimately allows for more effective cases.
Hiring a lawyer can be a stressful process, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into! Don’t discount the benefits that often come with hiring a small law firm.