As soon as your teenager receives their driver's permit (and before), they are bombarded with DUI public service announcements (PSAs). We're all familiar with "Stay Alive, Don't Drink & Drive," "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk" and "Buzzed Driving is Drunk...
3 things drivers may not know about field sobriety tests
Police officers who suspect someone of a driving under the influence (DUI) offense have to gather evidence. One of the ways they prove intoxication is by requesting a chemical test. However, drivers do not have to submit to chemical tests until officers already have...
What factors impact your blood alcohol concentration level?
When a cop pulls you over for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), the result and outcome of your case often hinges on a single number: your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). There are many factors that can influence your BAC level, and understanding these...
How does drugged driving differ from a DUI?
A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is possible anytime police officers catch someone on the road with an elevated blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Even those who might be slightly under the legal limit could face prosecution if they demonstrate a clearly...
Why does law enforcement take drunk driving so seriously?
While there are several minor traffic offenses, driving under the influence (DUI) certainly does not fit into this category. Tackling drunk driving is a top priority for law enforcement across Virginia. If the police suspect that a driver is drunk, they have the...
3 medical issues that can impact breath test accuracy
A chemical breath test is often the most compelling evidence in a drunk driving case. When a motorist fails a chemical breath test, police officers can arrest them if they haven't already. Prosecutors can point to their elevated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) as...
Why you should ditch your car keys when attending college parties
College birthday parties are a staple of student life, and being invited for one over the weekend can be the highlight of a long and tedious week on campus. Birthday parties are an opportunity to catch a much-needed break and catch up with friends from other...
Reasonable suspicion: A critical requirement of drunk driving stops
Police officers must ensure that the roads under their jurisdiction are as safe as possible. This means watching for signs that anything is amiss. One specific behavior they have to be vigilant about is drunk driving. In order to get drunk drivers off the roads,...
Which chemical sobriety test is the most accurate?
The police have several methods to confirm whether a driver is drunk. The police may begin by questioning whether a driver had been drinking. They may even ask drivers to perform physical exercises called field sobriety tests to help the police spot signs of...
Can a Virginia driver refuse to perform field sobriety tests?
Motorists who have driven for years sometimes no longer recall the details of Virginia traffic statutes. They might then make mistakes during an interaction with the police officer that could increase their risk of criminal prosecution. There are very clear...