Most parents have some familiarity with what’s commonly referred to as Title IX. It’s the federal law that addresses discrimination based on gender in education, but it also covers how accusations of sexual misconduct are investigated by colleges and universities. The...
Campus criminal charges
College student rights and responsibilities with campus police
College is a time of new and different experiences for young adults. Unfortunately, they aren’t always positive ones. Some college students have a difficult time adjusting to their new freedom – especially if they’re away from home. If your child is starting college...
New rules issued for campus allegations of sexual assault
As home to James Madison University, Harrisonburg is understandably proud of its role in higher education. Even prestigious universities have scandals and controversies, however; few are more serious than when one student accuses another student of sexual assault....
College student in trouble with the law? Know your rights
When a Virginia college student is facing criminal charges, there is a lot at stake. In addition to the potential for a conviction of a crime, other important factors are at stake as well. If you are a young student who is in trouble with the law, you understand the...