Certain driving actions are considered reckless by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. When an individual drives in such a way that the state believes that they knew or should have known about the harm they could cause then they may face a reckless driving infraction. This post will discuss some of the specific grounds on which a reckless driving charge may be based.
In Virginia, a person can be charged with reckless driving if they operate their vehicle 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit. This means that if a driver is stopped for allegedly driving 85 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour interstate zone, they could be charged with reckless driving.
Also, a driver who is deemed to be driving too fast for the conditions at the time they are in their car may face a reckless driving charge. Certain driving actions, such as passing others on hills, passing others on or at railroad crossings and passing emergency vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances, can be considered reckless and punishable by the Commonwealth.
When a person is cited for reckless driving they may face a host of legal problems. First, they will have points applied to their driving record, and when they reach a threshold level of points they put their license into jeopardy. Second, some reckless driving charges are felonies and may subject individuals to incarceration if they are convicted of their alleged crimes.
A Virginia driver can fight to overcome a reckless driving charge. Doing so can help them protect their driving rights and protect their legal future. Defense attorneys can be of benefit to those readers who are ready to take on their pending reckless driving charges.