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Reckless driving charges in Virginia: What is at stake?

On Behalf of | Oct 18, 2022 | Reckless Driving

It’s common knowledge that, as a driver, you owe other road users a duty of care. It means that you must not act in ways that endanger other motorists, like speeding or driving recklessly, whenever you are on public roads.

Virginia laws are pretty strict on this. Reckless driving is more than a traffic infraction. It is a misdemeanor, and you could face far-reaching legal penalties if convicted.

What is considered reckless driving?

Some traffic violations that seem minor to you may amount to reckless driving. They include:

  • Driving a vehicle that has improperly adjusted or faulty brakes
  • Overtaking when you are not supposed to, such as around corners or passing a stopped school bus
  • Driving a car where the driver’s view or control is obstructed
  • Failing to give proper signals or yield right of way
  • Speeding, including just going too fast for the weather conditons

While the list is not exhaustive, you could find yourself in court for reckless driving for any of the above traffic violations.

The potential penalties for reckless driving

In Virginia, reckless driving is a misdemeanor offense (Class 1). Some of the potential legal penalties include a jail term of up to one year and a fine not exceeding $2,500.

There may be other collateral damages following a conviction, such as additional points on your driver’s license, increased insurance rates and the inevitable criminal record. Remember, there may be factors in your case that could enhance your charges and penalties, like racing or causing injury or death to others.

Have you been charged with reckless driving?

If you face reckless driving charges, it is crucial to seek legal help. The legal repercussions, if convicted, can negatively affect several aspects of your life, such as your career and reputation. 

Therefore, it is in your best interests that you are adequately represented when going against these charges. It could help improve your chances of a not guilty verdict, thereby avoiding the aftermath of a conviction.

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